Sunday, January 9, 2011

Laziest nighttime mommy ever

I swear I am sooo lazy when it comes to nighttime with my baby. I cuddle up and refuse to move until dawn. Well, except for waking up and nursing about twenty times per night. I keep trying to get motivated to do EC at night, but since I can't even seem to change her diaper, I'm just not sure that it will ever work out. Yes, that's right. I admit it, I don't change my daughter's diaper at night. The Seventh Generation diapers are so absorbent they rarely leak, so I've gotten extra lazy and just leave it on till morning. I do have to admit, however, that when I changed her some time in the wee hours of dark last night, she definitely seemed to thrash around less, which allowed me to get better yes, in the long run getting up and putting my daughter on the potty would probably result in my getting more sleep. But trying to find the motivation to actually get up in the middle of the night? Well, let's just say that I'm going to have to grow a much larger spine or find a surplus of will-power somewhere.

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