I'm constantly amazed by all the little things my baby does, like finally walking across the room without falling down or figuring out how to push the button on her twirly light-up Minnie Mouse, so it's even more astounding when she pulls off things that most other children don't do. Like being able to read 25 words at not even 13 months old! I'm quite sure she knows more words than that, but those are the ones that she can show me she knows. So I guess the five months of the Your Baby Can Read program are really paying off! And to those who think, "Why would you want your baby to read?" I ask, "Why wouldn't you?!?!?"
And a couple of days ago I received the amazing toy chest/bench that I ordered on-line. I'm soooo in love with it. Compared to the cardboard box and basket that previously held her toys, this is about a million times better. It even has this great anti-slam lid that you have to push down to get it to close so there's no way she can smash her little fingers in it. Now I just have to make sure she doesn't fall into it while trying to reach a toy at the bottom! I still have to move some furniture around to make a home for it that isn't in the middle of anything, but that seems to be toward the bottom of my to-do list. Speaking of, the dishes are screaming at me....